Thursday, December 17, 2020

Starting from the Beginning

The internet is a wild and wonderful place.  With a few keystrokes you can find information on anything.  In fact, you can find so much information that it can be overwhelming.  Take Mead, for instance.  Type in the word Mead to your favorite search bar and you will find 100s of sites that will link you to meaderies, to communities, to home hobby brewers and everything in between.

This blog will be a bit of all of those -- Castle Bee Meadery is starting out on the journey to acquire an alcohol license to make and sell mead in the state of Georgia.  Along the way we will talk about all the things -- recipes, equipment, pitfalls, triumphs, failures, honey, bees and mead.  

Lots and lots about mead.

We hope we will provide useful information as we go through this journey.


Starting from the Beginning

The internet is a wild and wonderful place.  With a few keystrokes you can find information on anything.  In fact, you can find so much info...